Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Facial recognition for my PC.

Last December when of my sons purchased and eye tracking device and software named Tobii eye. The first day my son Matt set it up and calibrated it for me. It works pretty good and I could run my computer without the voice soft ware. This meant I could run my computer while other people were here for the TV was on. Sadly this is not and up working over the next few days. It seems I needed to be in the exact same spot or could not find my eyes. We tried recalibrating it every day but it was so fickle about my positioning in relation to the computer it really was not a good solution. Matt spent two weeks watching instructional videos and working on it to get it to work. Right before Christmas I finally said this is just not going to work. I know he was very frustrated with trying to get it to work. Turns out it has problems in general working on small laptops which is what I have. It promised so much but delivered very little.
While I was working the vocational rehab people told me of a software that ran the mouse with facial recognition. I had been looking for and finally found it. It was called Camera Mouse. It was a free software developed by Boston University. My main goal was to be able to read books on my PC with the TV on. While my son Dan was home last weekend he downloaded this and spent two days creating macros in my voice software and using Camera Mouse also. He could not get camera mouse to remain in active without turning it off. The problem with turning it off was that I could not turned back on without my voice software. That was a dilemma that he could not overcome.
Thankfully he kept looking and accidentally came across a reviewOf camera mouse that mentioned the software called Smyle Mouse. He looked it up and found it had a 14 day trial. So he downloaded it. This software uses your mouth and follows it. It can be set up so that it does not mouse click unless I smile when the mouse is in position. This works great for what I want. With this mode set up I can do almost anything with my computer without the voice software being turned on. I still need the voice software to dictate things like this post and Facebook posts but this is so much better than before. This offer was a few hundred dollars so it is much more affordable than the first device. It is not perfect and I'm still something of the weak link in the chain partly because my eyesight as such a narrow band my progressive lenses. But I'm so happy now that I can run my PC like I want. I appreciate all the work Matt put into the one that didn't pan out and appreciate Dan's determination and ended up with this software. 2017 is now starting out on a good note.

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