Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Macy and Atlas

This photo was taken last week. Some looked at it as progress on Macy’s part. It was one of the first times she would tolerate being in the same room as Atlas. This is true but also I see in it that she is giving him the cold shoulder cat treatment.
Turning her back toward whatever offends her is how she deals with things. Over this last weekend, four different times, Macy was forced to be close and greet Atlas. One time she was held close to Atlas so that she realized he was no danger and really liked her. While this went on she looked at me with pleading in her eyes and I only laughed. She was pretty mad at me yesterday and sat with her back to me most of the day. This let me know she was angry with me. Today she’s been much more cuddly. I guess she is getting over her anger.
I realized some time ago that this is how I tend to deal with bad things like my MS. I try to proceed as normally as possible and ignore the monster in the room. When I can no longer ignore things then I pray. I usually pray for grace to deal with the negative. Occasionally I have asked to be free from the symptoms but usually I just asked that I learn how to deal with them. There are probably better ways to handle things but this is how I am.
I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits. God bless you.

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