Friday night the weather was very good for me. Mid-70s and cloudy. We went down to the NewBo in Cedar Rapids Iowa. The group that played was called Cedar Valley Cobras. They were in a eclectic mix of string instruments. Some base stop listening's strange mix that included a base, acoustic guitars and mandolin. One lady at a bluegrass background and that you guys had rock backgrounds. It was pretty enjoyable.
At the table next to us was a young chocolate lab. It had a service dog vest on and when my wife went over to see it she knew she couldn't pet the service dog. The dog was attended by a young girl and a guy about the same age. We can tell from something she did she was training at and had it around people do get it used to that environment. It was a gorgeous dog and we wanted to meet it very badly.
When the music was almost over she brought the dog over to me us. My wife noticed the service dog vest was off of it that meant the dog got to be a dog and we got to meet it. It was a one-year-old lab and she got it to jump up with this paws on my arm rest as I got kisses from the dog. For some reason dogs like to lick my face. It probably because I can't move my arms to stop them. I started laughing but it did not stick its tongue in my mouth. I was glad of that. We found out that the girl was training it to be a service dog, probably for someone with PTSD. She told us a lot about its training. It had at least a year more with her. It could turn on light switches, take laundry out of the dryer and other useful things. She had a big pouch under have that had dog food in it and when he made eye contact with her she would give him a piece. She fed him 6 cups a day in that manner. It was very interesting to learn about service dog training.
All in all it was a great night out with my wife, one of her sisters and our brother-in-law. I wish we had a picture of the dog but we forgot to get one.
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