Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Rigged Election – you gotta be kidding me!

Donald Trump is now claiming the election for president is rigged. Of course this is impossible. The selection of a candidate by a party can be rigged, but there's no way to rig the general election. I think he is just posturing so that when he loses he has someone other to blame because he hates losers! All he has done is alienate everyone except Caucasians that like handguns.

He burned his bridges with many of the other Republicans with his insults and insane insinuations. He insinuated Ted Cruz had a father who helped Lee Harvey Oswald. There is literally no evidence of that except for an article he read in the National Enquirer. He says the New York Times is not believable. He said that the Des Moines register was a third rate publication. But somehow the National Enquirer is a serious news source for this lunatic. Even after his nomination he still insults Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Kasich. He has alienated all these people who could help him by saying he doesn't need them.

He insulted McCain and every other POW in the world by saying McCain was not a hero because he got caught. What was Donald Trump suggesting? When McCain went down in enemy territory was he supposed to eat a bullet? Was he supposed to somehow become Rambo? Donald Trump probably saw that movie and thought all POWs should be like Rambo. Yeah, just like you Donald.

He also insulted every family that has lost a loved one in war. Of course he never backs down from any of these or apologizes. He is so thin-skinned he keeps on harping on all these subjects.

Now he says women who are harassed in the workplace should quit their jobs and find a different place to work. Yeah that's right Donald run away from the problem, that's what they should do. You only place women can work according the you is for Ivanka,,
So now after alienating so many groups of people, he's claiming the election is rigged. I have no words to describe this behavior. It's nothing I've ever seen in my entire life.  

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