Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, September 12, 2016

Busy but not much substance today.

I'm not getting much done today. I started the day with reading one of my e-books that is fictionalized but based on expectations of the Middle East. Then I listened to last chapter of Ruth and the first chapter of 1st Samuel. Then I started going through my Facebook newsfeed. This is where I got bogged down.
Jason da Silva, one of my MS heroes, had a nine minute video on his new apartment. That I listen to a video of friend posted of Little River band playing Night Owl. That led to listening to another Little River band video of Lonesome Loser. Some days it takes me an hour to go through my newsfeed because I can only do it on my PC. So I tend to go through it once a day and occasionally I have enough quiet to go through it at night. It is one of my contacts with the outside world so I really have come to appreciate it. So hopefully I will post something of more substance later in the week but today I'm not getting much done. Oh well it's Monday and even though I don't work Monday stink.
I have a funny story about Atlas from Sunday. He is here for the week and Tom was here Sunday morning to get me up. When he came in the room to give me up Macy was on the bed near where Atlas usually jumps up. When he started to jump up I told him to watch out for the kitty, don't step on her. So instead he jumps up steps on my man parts and then sits on my stomach so Tommy can pet him. It was quite funny and not very painful, just a little bit. We really love this dog and he is such a character.

Also today my voice software is acting very very finicky. At really slows me down. It misreads what I say and less I extremely Enough C8 everything I say. I hold my breath while I'm talking and then when I exhale it once to put the word will in. Maybe noticed it put enough C8 in for one I wanted annunciate. I could not get it to change that. Can't say I will ever understand software. You would think it would work the same every time. I don't think it's just me I think it's just fickle.
I left this last paragraph just as my software dictated it. I get very tired of correcting some of this stupid mistakes it makes. Perhaps you see how many. I just left it as it transcribed.

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