Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Friday, July 27, 2018

Cats and dog

I wanted to update everyone on our pets situation. Not sure how long or what I covered in previous posts. I have problems remembering things and more than ever. If you asked me when I woke up I would tell you it was a Thursday in April. Why then I don't know. It doesn't take me long to realize it is not April but some days I don't realize what day of the week it is until evening TV is on. I never used to have these problems until about a year ago. Some things I could spend two or three hours and then can remember but accessing the memory gets more and more difficult. So enough of me I will cover the pets situation now realizing what I posted in the past.
Our beautiful Macy succumbed last fall. I missed her affection and so a few months later we looked for new Cat. We found one that seemed like she could be affected but she was part of a bonded pair. My wife end up deciding we would take both. Neither are affectionate but one named Lacy Lou but seems like she was heading that way until we got our one-year-old chocolate lab named Jordan.
We knew that our son Tom was taking Atlas. This happened in early July but we've had him living with us for year while our son was deployed. We are really attached to him and knew we would miss him terribly so we thought we would get another dog sometime either before he left or after. We wanted a dog about three years old but this one became available because the the owners job change so that she would be traveling much more and she didn't think it was fair to board the dog that much. She didn't want to give it to a shelter so by word-of-mouth we accepted her. My wife went to their house and met her and then she came here to see if she got along with the cats. Cats didn't like her, which we expected, but we can tell she would never hurt them and we became attached to her and accepted her even though she was a lot of puppy. So now we have one younger Labrador and two cats. They are pretty entertaining but are not as affectionate as Macy was. Sometimes Jordan cuddles with me. She was very jealous of Tom dog and the cats. She wants to be the center of attention and is. She is kind of a handful my wife to deal with but I think we are heading in the right direction. Occasionally she sleeps with her at on me and I really like that. We miss Atlas and Tom would not let him stay here even though we wanted to keep him. Is pretty close to perfect and the sweetest dog we've ever seen. He is not perfect but pretty close. Jordan has a lot of puppy in her and we hope she mellows out as she gets older. Some days she is very sweet and some days she is a troublemaker. The cats tease her and she has figured out one of them but the other one is always playing games with her. Sometimes they deliberately get her to chase them and then they run into their bedroom that has a gate With a cat door. I will sign off now because my voice is fading. I hope I can remember pet stories to post later.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Quick post:
I want to clarify something. I am not singling a single person out when I mentioned losing touch with all my old friends. Life goes on for everybody and I know how busy people are. When I worked I was very very busy juggling all the things required of me as well as my activities many of which were to relieve stress. I only hold myself responsible for the drifting away. There are many many people that I lost contact with because I just gave up because my voice is so sketchy. I miss the ability to give the effort to keep in contact and I apologize. I think of you all fondly and the big thing that started isolating me was losing the ability to drive. I lost the ability to work simultaneously and these were big changes for me. I count all of my old friends as still friends and live vicariously through your activities. I hold no grudges about this except to come to hate this disease more every day. Outside of a miracle I will never get better and only worse. I think all of you for your Facebook posts and find them very interesting.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Crybaby post number two. Last one

I would like to finish my post I started Monday. I would like to move on to something other than myself. I find talking about myself a little boring and I have more interesting stories to tell. I enjoy telling stories about the animals around me but still miss my cat Macy and her affection.
I just wanted to say that in all this I have faith in my Lord Jesus has not wavered. Whatever befalls me in this life is allowed by God not caused by God. I know that God love me because Jesus took my place on the cross suffered for my sins and many others who trust him. His resurrection proves that I have a a home in heaven that is incorruptible and I would join Jesus and others who have faith on that day. All of this has remained solid.
When has wavered is my day today mood. Many days lately I have become overwhelmed with this disease. It breaks my heart's to be such a burden. I need everything done for me now and my world keep shrinking. I found many people in the medical field that don't really know much and I'm tired of trying to educate them. My primary care doctor is fantastic and the only one I can say is been supportive through this whole thing. Last few times I've gone he has his nurse that seems bad as well as little bit strange. It seems that I have to know what the original name of a drug as well as the generic which I end up getting because of insurance. She doesn't know the generic name of anything and I have to tell her over and over again. One of my sons took me to the doctor about my high blood pressure. He ended up insulting this nurse to her face but she was not even bright enough to know that he was insulting her knowledge and professionalism.
I have become so weary of this life and I have turned my wife to a person with two full-time jobs. One of which is taking care of everything I need. I can't even feed myself anymore. I think I can be a person labeled as one "losing heart". I used to enjoy my morning coffee and eating my breakfast slowly. Now I have to hurry so she can get back to work. We have looked into getting help for her take care of me but the insurance covers nothing that we need help with. Only actual nursing needs. This is been a huge disappointment because I thought when I went on Medicare they would help out but guess what no help for us. We have to exhaust all of our pathetic savings get on Medicaid and then you do whatever they say. I feel pretty stupid trying to save what little I could when I was working. It seems like we would've been better off blowing everything we made. If we had $4 million it might be enough. Think that's more than I made in my lifetime. I don't know how anybody affords care for chronic disease. The whole medical system is set up for one of two things. Either get better or die. This disease is normally not fatal but a my special case it may kill me in a few years. Lately I've been feeling that's not soon enough. So enough of my whining I am losing my voice so I will sign off now. My next post will definitely be about pets. We have two cats and one young Labrador. I really look forward to my next post. I lose my voice so early and I'm glad I can post a little bit in the mornings my voice is still there. Take care dear reader and try to remember that Jesus loves you!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Part of my latest post

My last post was over a month ago. I tried posting after that but the post was so full of errors I ruined it trying to fix it. Am using a software that tracks my face and the cursor follows it. It inadvertently clicked the mouse and changes the cursor location which makes it very hard to post or correct. I am trying again but have little hope I won't have the same problems. One of the errors in my last attempt turned out very obscene and I had real problems fixing it. Well here goes
A month or so ago was a get together to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. I talked nonstop with so many people I hadn't seen for years. We had a great time. It was the next day I ran into problems. I couldn't speak the rest of the week and even after that I had problems with my voice coming and going. There are too many to name but I was overwhelmed with so many disappointments we have had since I knew there was something wrong with me in 2006. Every time I have thought that disease was stabilized a few months later had to find some new way to adapt to losing more capabilities. I never thought I would lose the use of my right hand, arm and fingers. I have tried to be upbeat and positive but month ago gave up on this. I'm pretty sure I will never get it back. I feel pretty stupid hanging onto it as long as I did. For a week or so I became Mr. negative. The only way out of this disease is dying. I filled my wife's ear that this kind of talk as well as my sons. My wife called the doctor and they added an addition antidepressant. She has power of attorney so I really wasn't consulted but she takes care of me so I didn't complain. It probably helped but I found anyway being Mr. negative does not really suit me. Now I am pretty much Mr. apathetic. I'm now just waiting around to get out of this body and be with the Lord. The only contact I have with other people are relatives. Other than Facebook I have allowed all of my old friends to drift away. It's so hard to communicate in person I have allowed all of my old friends to drift away. My voice software is starting to get wacky on me. I will sign off for now and hope to post again soon.