Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Taking some time off

The medical care I am under as not found a solution to my trigeminal pain. It has settled into my right facial cheek area and moves around between my upper cheek, between the top and bottom, lower cheek and my right side molars. It is often backed by my molars in the joint are my mouth moves. The pain is not unbearable but makes it painful to speak in general and very painful to annunciate many letters. My speech has become much more slurred or painful if I enunciate well. This is made my voice software for difficult use. It often misunderstands and is opened up many applications some of which I didn't know I had. So I am going to take a week or so off and see if there's any progress. I find the pain is tolerable if I really concentrate on enunciation. I am finding that pain like this as a cumulative affect on my emotional outlook. To minimize this I'm going to say off my blog for a while. I will leave you with a funny pets story.
You probably know if you follow my blog that over two months ago Jordyn got on the bed and laid on my legs because she was jealous of the kitty coming in to sleep on me. She didn't want to sleep on me she just did not want the kitty to get any attention. I have a blanket that is felt that I call the kitty blanket because Lacey like the texture of it and she would stay on it while she slept. After Jordyn chased her away I have kept it open that she would return someday. One night last week she got up on their when my wife was in here. We are both excited, she came back.'s came up close at my table sniffed around and then turned around and laid down. She is back we said. And she yakked up a bunch of stuff and got up and left. Never came back. We were flabbergasted and didn't know what to think. My wife cleaned it up and said thanks a lot kitty! I guess you like be enough to yak on me, they should feel honored, right?
Come back to post if this pain decreases so knows. I try not to be optimistic because and I'm usually disappointed. I try not to be pessimistic signed up being "eh what ever". It is kind of my model with this disease, yeah whatever. Tata for now.

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