Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, April 4, 2016

Cat – strophe

Another Monday, even though I don’t work Mondays are still the worst day of the week. So in light of that I’m hoping this post is light and maybe funny. Last week the fountain we have for our cat quit working. She still has water to drink but the water no longer comes out in a stream at the top.

To poor little Macy this is the height of disaster! She loves to drink from running water. She seems to think it’s her right to have running water all the time. She uses it not only to drink but to get water on her paws so she could do a good job of cleaning her face. She used to jump up on the sink and make chirping noises (she never really meows) so I would set the water just right for her to drink and wash her paws.

This became a problem when we moved here because her litter box is in the same room as my bathroom sink. She would get her paws wet and then tracked litter all over because it stuck to her paws. To fix this we bought a fountain for pets and put it at the other end of the house. It quit earlier last week. These fountain motors don’t seem to last very long and you cannot just buy the pump. So I ordered a new fountain from Amazon. It does take a couple days to get here. Until then the poor kitty has to suffer terribly! Every time Janette walks toward the room where the fountain is in she runs after her making her weird chirping noises. She sits by the fountain and looks at it and then Janette. Back and forth so Janette knows the kitty needs running water.

The funniest thing happened yesterday. Janette went back to her bathroom and was going to turn on a sink so Macy could drink out of it. She said come on Kitty. Macy raced back to down the hall to be with her. In the 5 years we’ve had Macy she has never come when she was called. It was hilarious. This cat is addicted to running water
Some people may think this cat is spoiled. Maybe she is but I think the fountain is a medical necessity. We tried having her drink water out of a bowl but she drank so little she got bladder stones. The vets had a Roto-Rooter her and they put her on a special food. They said she needed to drink a lot of water to keep things flowing. So we got the 1st fountain. So this kitty is not really spoiled, right?

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