Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, April 11, 2016

Macy – Two-Person Cat

I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I was no longer able to brush Macy in the manner in which she had become accustomed. This cat loves to be brushed and she loves to rub her chin on the bristles. Since I can’t brush her while I’m sitting in my chair she has turned to my wife to not only be brushed but to be fed and have her water fountain filled. This is when we found out she tends to be a one person cat. She started ignoring me and only wanted my wife. She became relentless following her around and making her little chirping meow noises at her.

This last week Macy started warming up to me again and now she has grown emotionally and is now a two-person cat. At night she usually sleeps between my knees and then I brush her in the morning before I get out of bed. I’ve been doing arm stretching with my right arm and so I am able to scratch her chin and ears more than I had been. So now at night and in the morning she is Phil’s kitty. She still sits on my lap occasionally in the morning.
When Matt gets here to feed me lunch she follows him around and occasionally he brushes her. Then she disappears and hides until my wife gets home. So in the evenings she is my wife’s cat. It’s good to see her accepting like most part more than one person to bestow her affections on. Of course it is obvious that she thinks we should appreciate being allowed to shower her with affection. Somehow she is gotten the idea that she is Royalty!

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