Of course as I was leaving she was behind me. I was in her
way again. She yelled “slow people” in a very negative voice and rolled her
eyes at me. I have to say it hurt my feelings. Other than that I can’t say I’ve
dealt with what my MS friends have had to deal with. I think it’s because my
disease has progressed very fast and it is obvious each step of the way that I
am disabled.
To me the strangest reactions have come from medical
professionals. When we went down to the University of Iowa for the preliminary
things needed for my rhizotomy each group we saw acted as if they had never
seen a person in a wheelchair before. It ended up that Janette transferred me
quite a number of times from my chair to their equipment. It seems really
strange to us that they were so unfamiliar with people in wheelchairs and in my
case close to being a quadriplegic. To be precise my neurologist said I am a Quadraparetic.
That is the official term but in a practical way am a quadriplegic now.
We decided that was a lot of effort on Janette’s
part when the medical people should be doing the work. For my procedure
Wednesday we decided to let them figure it out. In ended up taking 4 of them to
put me in a sling and use a Hoyer lift. Once I was in the hospital bed it was
easy for them to transfer me from the bed to the operating table. I think it
only took 2 of them to get me from the bed back into my chair. I know each
person is different but you would think the people at the hospitals would be
more familiar with dealing with this disabled people. I guess not.
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