Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Atlas has a Second Birthday

Atlas is two years old now so that means he's been around the cat for two years -2 months. She now tolerates him being close but she still looks pretty annoyed. He still can't figure out why the kitty doesn't want to play with his ball. The other day she was lying on the floor in the sun and he brought a toy to her. She just batted on his nose and he thought she wanted to play. He poked her with his nose and started jumping around. She just laid there – the kitty is no fun. She is a scowley little thing.
He is coming to stay with us for a month later this year. Maybe they'll be friends by then – ha ha!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Phil’s history - Omaha the good years Part one

Recently I posted about loss of my mother when I was 10 and in fifth grade. I would like to go back further now to the years where we had pretty much a very normal upbringing. The attached photo shows our first house. It was across the street from an elementary school called Oak Valley. This photo shows the house. I joked about it with a former coworker that it was a memorial to the boyhood home of Phil Gorman! She has a son who lives in Omaha and while visiting she went by my boyhood home. That is her in the picture. She used to be a model on the Price Is Right. Just kidding but she could’ve been.

We moved there a little before I started kindergarten. We were brought up Catholic and my sister started kindergarten in a Catholic school but when we moved we went to Oak Valley. The years between kindergarten and fifth grade were pretty much idyllic and so normal based on what was considered normal then. Our dad worked and was away from home most of the week traveling Eastern Nebraska mostly. In the summer I got to go with him quite a bit. He worked for a publisher and went around the stores and updated the TV Guide section. I really enjoy these trips but I think I annoyed him with my constant fidgeting and questions.

My sister and I had a very simple upbringing during this time. We had friends our age and when the friends were unavailable my sister and I were constantly together. Across one street was a vacant field and in it was the "mulberry tree". We would make hikes to this tree every chance we got. It was easy to climb and many times we would take a sack lunch and spend the day there. We often came home with mulberry stains which were difficult to get out of our clothes but our mother never complained about that. She probably like the little bit of peace and quiet she got because when my sister and I were together we often argued like siblings tend to do. There was also a Creek that ran along the edge of this field and behind our house. Behind our house it was a cement channel. On the field side of the creek there was a golf course so the creek was more natural in character. We played in the creek a lot also.

There was an awning out front of the house and we would get to play out there as long as the rain wasn't blowing toward the house. It was pretty neat being outside in heavy rain. We also had a fort built on to the back of the shed where the garage is now. We used to love playing there too. Other than school all I remember from those years is having fun with my sister or my friends.
To be continued.

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Bible – a guidebook

I just saw a post on Facebook about the Bible. It said if you follow it click like or post a comment of amen. I've been a student of the Bible for over 30 years so I have more to say that just amen. For one thing the Bible and faith tend toward individual. The Bible tells us to be together as a congregation but the message is mostly to you as a person.
Too many people use their views and tried to impose them on those who don't see the message of the Bible. I would state this is categorically wrong. The disciples asked Jesus what they should do about the Pharisees that led people into their particular religious over exaggeration. His message is always resounded with me. He said "leave them alone. They are the blind leading the blind and they both shall fall into a ditch"
God has given us free will and many do not see the beauty of his truth. We are not to try to stop them physically or politically. God loves the sinner but he's not too fond of sin. Each person will answer for their own faith and actions. It is not a Christian's job to enforce their faith. We lead by example and I believe that is it.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

LGBT Agenda – I have to admit I'm confused

I wrote this before the recent shootings so please forgiveany insensitivities I may have included. It’s good to remember that God loves us even when we are sinners. His justice though requires a penalty for sin. God defined sin not me and I needed his salvation and so do you.

Recently homosexuals, male or female, were granted the right to marry. I used to oppose this idea and wondered why a civil union was not more appropriate. Later on I was convinced by the sheer magnitude of the rights granted through marriage rather than a civil union. I don't understand the lifestyle but do not oppose their marriage anymore. One of the things that came with the marriage was the idea that they wanted monogamous relationships that were sanctioned by law. Now here's what I don't understand:

how do bisexuals fit in with this philosophy? It seems they are left out of this whole marriage thing. How then are they lumped in together when they are left Out of the legal marriage thing? Somewhere along the way definitions have to be made and laws made. So this latest law still leaves out a multiple marriage or polygamy. No matter what you do you still have to define something. I am of the opinion that marriage is between one man and one woman. Our laws differ in that as a law-abiding citizen I have to accept this. Again, I still don't understand that choice of lifestyle.
I also don't really understand transgender. When I was growing up a transgender person was one that was physically indeterminate and struggled with physical problems associated. Now I find out it is a mental thing. I can't say I understand that. I always thought you play the hand you're dealt. Growing up I wanted to be a major league baseball catcher. Over time I came to realize I did not have the physical attributes to be one. I still wish I could've been one but moved on with the realities that I just didn't have it. So I'm really confused by people who just don't accept what they are. I'm not saying I don't have sympathy or empathy but maybe I have a different generational attitude.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Atlas Visits Dog Park

Today my wife got off early due to summer hours. She talked atlas and died to a local dog park. Atlas made many friends. It may seem like the dogs liked me but I think they just like the shade I was in. One of the dogs was a huge pitbull. It weighed over 100 pounds. He was a sweetheart.
Atlas did not like to share his ball. When he laid down once to rest one of the golden retrievers grabbed the ball and ran far away so we couldn't get back. His owner returned the dog slobber covered ball to us before she left. Very nice weather in the shade. There was a nice breeze.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Four years ago – solo outing

This photo was from four years ago. I could still drive then and felt safe being out on my own. I think this was the last time I did something like this. This is from a park trail near our house call Thomas Park. This stream is called Indian Creek. I didn't do anything like this after that because I was worried I would get my chair stuck and I would have to call for help. Now I've completely lost my adventuresome spirit. I don't want my caregivers to worry about me and I sure don't want to get stuck

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Reading – Psalm 119

I finished reading Hebrews last week. I listen to the sermons from my home church of Faith Bible in Cedar Rapids online since I can get to church anymore very often. I am a little behind and listen to one from May that was on Psalm 119. It was a fascinating sermon and he gave me a new perspective on Psalm 119. So rather than continue in the New Testament I decided to switch. All I can say is wow!
It's like I've never read it before. There's so much in that Psalm it's hard to find anything specific to highlight. I will probably spend a week reading and rereading it.
There is one person stood out to me yesterday and it is because of my progressively chronic disease of MS:
“Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.”
Psalms‬ ‭119:92‬ ‭KJV‬‬
I can state categorically that without God's word and the Lord Jesus in my life I could not a born the symptoms of this disease. I'm not sure how anyone can deal with these heartaches without God. I'm so glad for his word and a special thanks for the pastoral staff at Faith Bible Church.

Monday, June 20, 2016


Have you ever had one of those moments where a lot of things flash before you and you get an insight that it been missing. This happened a few weeks ago when my wife was taking me to listen to some music. A motorcycle pulled up on a side street and I thought what a sweet looking ride. Later on I saw on TV that it was a Kawasaki Vulcan. One thing I realized a long time ago when I started using a power wheelchair and a van to get around. I would see sporty cars, cool trucks and other vehicles that I daydreamed about owning or driving. With MS and the van I had to give up those daydreams. I realize how often and how much I missed this.
For a while now I've been daydreaming about Mustangs. As we passed by this motorcycle I had a sudden flash of insight. If I was still healthy I would have wanted a Mustang but with no garage to put it in I probably would've purchased a Kawasaki Vulcan. I used to have a motorcycle in my earlier years. It was a Yamaha RD 350. It wasn't fast but it was quick. It was the fastest vehicle that could go from 0 to 45. The way I used to drive it was that I would keep the tach at about 3200 RPM. In third-year this meant I could zoom up to 60 or stop really fast. In third-year this man I was driving around most of the time at 45 miles an hour.
The insights that hit me was if I was driving a motorcycle maybe I would've ended up pretty much the same as I am now if I had had a crash. Maybe MS save me from being a total quadriplegic. Who knows? I realize then how many ways I could've gotten in trouble and I not come down with MS. I'm not saying I'm glad I have MS but who knows it what life would've been without it. Like Igor said in Young Frankenstein – it could be worse it could be raining, thunderclap, pouring rain. One of the funniest movies ever in is always maybe think it could be worse..

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Feeling better

A few days ago I posted that I had a bad night and a bad morning with spasms. I’m thinking now I had a small MS fever That same day my head felt warm all day and turned is the AC down for that next night. I had a great night sleep and felt a lot better. Last night I slept really good and no spasms in the morning. I’m thinking that day I had a fever. I understand that is a symptom of MS but it’s really hard to tell.
Last night we went to our local farmers market where they had outdoor music. It was about 87° when we got there but we got a place in the shade. It was nice breeze and as the evening wore on the temperature was more comfortable. It was 82° when we left and it turned out to be a very nice night and I was so glad we ventured out. we ran into some old friends who joined us, Tom brought Atlas and one of my sister-in-law’s joined. We had a great time and as long as there was a breeze I was comfortable. I almost stayed home because it was pretty warm and so glad I got out. I don’t get out much because is either to cold or too hot.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Last post on the letter to the Hebrews - Chapter 12

The last verses of Hebrews I wish to comment on our verses one and two. I find these two verses so fascinating and easy to meditate on. Points to a great cloud of witnesses we have and also to our great Savior Jesus Christ.

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV
It encourages us to think of life as a race and leave behind anything that would encumber us in participation of this way of life. We are to lay aside the things encumber us. One of these things is our past and our past mistakes and sins. One of the things I end up dwelling on with all the time I have on my hands is my past. I spend too much time thinking of "if I had done this thing to be different" this first encourages me to leave that behind and press on toward the calling we have in Christ. This is probably one of the hardest areas for me to deal with. I think back to my childhood, teenage as well as adult and spend too much time figuring out what I did wrong. I need to focus on the good in my life now and now I can live to please him. He knows this in that so easily beset us and I'm glad I am forgiven.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kind of a Bad Night

Yesterday I was looking out the window at our trees out front. Somewhere along the way I fell asleep. I woke up over two hours later. Not very good for sleeping at night. I find I can handle a half hour nap and still go to sleep but two hours – not good. I was awake till three. Then at 530 I woke up overheated and with spasms like I haven't had for months.
My wife got up and turned the temperature down and help me cooldown before she went to work. Of course when she came to get me up at 930 I was still tired and groggy. Now today I have to make sure I don't fall asleep for very long or tonight will be a duplicate. Stupid disease. I wish I could figure it out but it defies reasoning. Oh well, that's my whining for today.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

More on the book of Hebrews – Chapter 11

I ended my last post on Hebrews with the verse alluding to Being strangers and pilgrims on the earth. These people of faith sought a city whose builder and maker was God! They would not accept a substitute and spent their whole lives not finding what faith told them to seek.

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” Hebrews 11:13 KJV

Further on the writer of Hebrews tells us there are too many examples of faith to list. He lists Old Testament acts of faith. I see in this list the type of thing most Christians believe are what faith should produce. These are as follows:

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword:

The list above are what most people commonly think of as results of faith. Dramatic stories, great victories and in some cases martyrdom. I wholeheartedly agree that these are clear results of faith in many cases today as well as in history. Part of this list though seems to be forgotten about. These results of faith listed below are rarely ever mentioned. No one I've ever met. has felt like these results would be because of their faith. In fact the general opinion, as well as my own brain believe these to be proof of a lack of faith. Being afflicted or destitute is something our minds tell us cannot be faith based.

 they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.” Hebrews 11:32-38 KJV
As you know I have a chronic disease that constantly afflicts me. No one would ask for this as a result of their faith, of that I'm sure. I struggle with this mentality myself. My brain tells me I must be afflicted for some reason and that if I could figure out the reason I would get better. My heart tells me that God loves me and this is not a direct result of some terrible thing I've done and a punishment for it. It's just like the cartoons, TV shows and some commercials where the good guy sits on one shoulder and the bad on the other shoulder they both tell their opinion to the person. Many times it seems this is a very accurate portrayal of what I really go through.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Voice recognition problems

Yesterday I open my voice recognition program. Not sure if it was my Wi-Fi but the program acted insane. I would start dictating and it wouldn't put anything in there. Then when I tried to close it it stayed open. It wasn't until I tried reading a Kindle block that I realized it was just taking forever to implement a command. I tried turning the page and it would be about a minute before would do that. This made it very hard to use and my hand wore out so that I can barely lift it late the evening.
So today after I opened the program I created a new profile. Now it seems be working better. Not sure if I did anything or if it was just a crazy computer day. I think my family gets sick of hearing me scream at my computer.. I think they were a most when my yelling gets personal at the computer as if it is a real person and not a stupid machine. Computers are such a blessing in such a curse. I couldn't get by without it but I wish I could.
Have you ever heard the saying "if wishes were fishes we would all cast nets"

Friday, June 10, 2016

What I do all day?

Last weekend I was asked "what did you do yesterday" by someone who knew that I spent most of Saturday by myself here at the house. I wasn't sure how to answer that since what I do is pretty boring. I watched a little TV, read a little bit of the Bible, watch the birds and and ate my breakfast. I listened to some music to at the same time. I got bored around noon.
This was the hard part to explain. I leaned my chair back to rest and ended up spending 3 to 4 hours daydreaming, staring at the ceiling fan and sleeping. Not much to brag about. That is one of the problems with my disease of MS, I really can't do much. It has affected by speech, my hands and of course my legs. Sometimes I find I am just killing time waiting for something but I'm not sure what. Being bored is one of the worst things about this disease. There's not much I can do about it but try to make the best of it and not daydream about things I shouldn't be thinking about. Sometimes that's a full-time job!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

More on the book of Hebrews – Chapter 11

More on the book of Hebrews – Chapter 11

I have a great affinity for the Chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews. I can read it over and over again and never weary of it. I am on my third day of reading that And chapter 12. It never gets old to read about how faith is the important thing. The first verse says it well.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 KJV

There is literally too much in chapter 11 to do it justice. Please read for yourself when you get time. The following verse sums up will the practical affect of the patriarchs faith.
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” Hebrews 11:13 KJV

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Book of Hebrews – Replacing the Old

Book of Hebrews – Replacing the Old

I mentioned in a previous post that the book of Hebrews is seems to rise to a crescendo. The Jewish religion and observances were based on God's revelation and were good. Paul being a Hebrew of Hebrews knows how good the Jewish system and ordinances were. Unfortunately many Pharisees came to worship the religion and observances more than the God behind them. Chapters 1 through 10 bring in all these good things and Paul explains how Christ supersedes them or completes them. One of them is the Levitical priesthood.

Now we have a high priest that is completed the work of the priesthood and now lives to make intercession for us. He has done this once. With this perfect sacrifice of the Lamb of God the Levitical priesthood is no longer valid.

 “But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.” Hebrews 7:24-27 KJV

In chapter 8 Paul says that this sums it up. Chapter 8 and nine are the summation specifically for the Hebrews. Then The book of Hebrews reaches its high point with chapters 11 and 12. I will speak more on this later.

“Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;” Hebrews 8:1 KJV

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

morning helper

This photo shows Atlas helping Tom get me up in the mornings. Tom swaddles him in the covers. He loves it. It's always a great thing to have Atlas help get me up in the mornings. He would make a great service dog!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Racism – Current Conclusion

This series I have on racism is leading up to some conclusions I’ve come to based on Donald Trump and his positions on immigration. He has proposed a registry of immigrants of Arab nationality. While on the surface this may seem like a good idea this given me a lot of thoughts about how it pertains to the rest of American culture. I am the grandson of four immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. Two of my grandparents were Irish. When the Irish first started emigrating there was a huge amount of bigotry and racism toward them. I’m told that KKK started originally to persecute the Irish. Fortunately for me and many others the Irish assimilated into American culture.

Donald Trump’s proposal for an Arab registry. The details of how this would work out are beyond comprehension. Would every person who might be viewed as Arab have to have papers proving their American citizenship so they are not confused with current immigrants? Since I have been viewed as different nationalities would I then have to prove over and over again that I am an American citizen? How would I do that? Would papers have to be issued and always With the person to prove their nationality to avoid what ever it is that Donald Trump seeks with his registry of Arab immigrants?
How this affects all Americans seems to get lost in Donald Trump’s rhetoric. On the surface his comments seem like good comments. When viewed in the overall scheme of things they lose their meaning and seem to lead to what I would consider the beginnings of a “Police State”. Personally I fear police state, especially one run by Donald Trump, more terrifying than a few Arab immigrants.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bad Choice Today

in the evenings my arms are so tired I have trouble driving my chair back to the bedroom and/or tilting it. I usually stretch my arms and shoulders before bed. Normally when I wake up I stretched my right arm and shoulder in the bed to loosen it up. This morning I thought maybe I will get more from my arm and shoulder if I don’t stretch. Maybe I will get to the evening and still be able to use my right hand.

This is turning out to be a bad choice. I can’t move my right arm to the right of my controller. I can usually put things like my coffee cup on the dining table. I can usually get my 2nd cup of coffee off of my computer table. Not stretching is turning out to be a really bad choice. My right arm does not want to move very far at all. My motto as an MS person is “I’ll muddle through somehow” which is what I’m doing. It took a long time but I got my coffee cup on the dining table. Now I hope to be able to get my 2nd cup of coffee off my computer table. Tomorrow I stretch.

Friday, June 3, 2016

In Memoriam Final Installment

In some of my previous post in Memorial to those who passed too early I’ve only mentioned my direct relatives. I cannot leave out one of the most important people in my life who has passed much too early. As I mentioned before, that aunt Betty was a very loving and bighearted relative. Looking back I realize that my wife showed the same largeness of heart and love that I was familiar with visiting uncle Jim’s house. When I met her family they all had loving and caring hearts. I didn’t realize how significant this was until I was doing this series. My in-laws are fantastic people. The most significant man in my life was my wife’s father John. He was an amazing man in so many ways. He was the most patient person I have ever met. He was so helpful to me in learning how to do house projects and home improvement. He was always available and willing to help.

His health was never great and he suffered a number of heart attacks and had more than one bypass surgery. Due to these heart problems his heart function was rated at only 30%. This lack of blood flow contributed to kidney problems that he succumbed to in his 60s. Much much too early for this beautiful man. Everyone who met John became his friend. I cannot express how much I learned from him about life and everything important. I not only loved his daughter but love the whole family.
The last time he was in the hospital we knew it was bad. My wife and I were up there as well as most of the rest of the family. He was in the bed, conscious but unable to talk to us. It was near lunchtime and everyone agreed to meet at a nearby house at one of my sister-in-laws. As everyone left my wife and I stayed back. I sat near my father-in-law and was talking to him even though he couldn’t respond. I noticed a tear running down his face and I held his hand and told him on much we loved him. This was the only time I told him that I loved him. He went to sleep and my wife and I left to join the others. When we got there we found out that John had passed in the short time we were on the road. I’m so glad I was able to tell him how I felt. Without a doubt John was the most important man I’ve ever known.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

In Memoriam Part Two

in my previous post on this I addressed people who passed too early in their lifetimes and mine. The most significant of these was the passing of my mother, Geraldine or Gerry. I’m not really sure how to start or end but I’ll give it a try. We knew my mother was a little bit sick and in pain. She did not have any visible symptoms. My sister, Cathy and I were woken one night and brought upstairs from our bedrooms in the basement. Our mother was on a EMT gurney and we were told to say goodbye to her before she went to the hospital. Cathy, myself and our infant brother Joe were then taken to a neighbors house until late the next morning. Our dad picked us up and we went for a walk. We could tell he was having trouble telling us something and the walking was to help. We walked quite a while until we were along some vacant lots in our neighborhood. It was there he told us that our mother did not make it and she was dead.

I remember thinking this news was impossible. It took a long time for it to sink in. My mother was gone. This is where it gets a little bizarre. My mother’s parents, were from St. Louis and their two sons came up for the funeral and other events. Maybe a little background on my mother’s parents would be helpful. To say the least Cathy and I were terrified of them. My mom’s father was very gruff and we thought mean. Our mother’s mother, Ruby was pretty scary to. Every time we were together she would make my mother cry because she was so mean to her. In general we were terrified of these people.

After the funeral my grandmother Ruby informed my father that they were going to follow every legal avenue to take Cathy I and Joe. They didn’t feel my father could raise us and they said were going to take them. This is very difficult for my father. We tried a nanny for a while but the cost was too much. We tried Cathy being in charge and taking care of my brother Joe who was an infant. This worked out the best and I tried to mind my sister as best I could.
This was in the fall of my fifth grade school year. Later that same fall my dad got the devastating news that his father had passed away. Cathy and I really loved our grandfather Mark. His passing seems so untimely. From my grandmother’s description he died of an aortic aneurysm. These two deaths so close together seem to devastate my dad. He never seemed the same after that. This post is titled in memoriam I will say the loss of my grandfather was hard to take. Loss of my mother I can say that I’ve never gotten over. Every Mother’s Day and memorial day I’m filled with thoughts of her. She had a huge heart. I’m not sure how she and her brothers were nothing like their parents. My mother’s love for us was so obvious and we were surrounded by this growing up. I look back and think how much she would have loved my wife and my children if she were still alive. I will follow this up with some of our history in part due to these losses in later posts.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

In memoriam

I haven’t had much time to post the last few days but I have had time to think about those who have passed before. This is probably a little late but probably better late than never. When I was growing up Memorial day was the day we remembered all those who passed before us, not just the military. There been so many that are passed I cannot write about all but would like to mention those who passed before their time. These people stood out to be over the weekend.

The first would be my cousin Julie. When I was in elementary school my dad got off the phone and was crying. We asked him what was wrong and he said our cousin Julie was hit by a drunk driver and was killed. Julie was the same age as my sister. He said imagine what it would be like losing your sister and this hit me hard enough that I remember from when I was young. I couldn’t imagine losing my sister. How much stronger must the grief be for my uncle Tom and aunt JoAnn, her parents. I have no words other than rest in peace dear Julie and God bless you uncle Tom and aunt JoAnn.

When we were young we often went to Fairmont Minnesota to visit my dad parents. In the same town were two sets of my dad’s brother’s families. Uncle Pat and aunt Beverly and their kids. There was also uncle Jim and aunt Betty as well as their children. Uncle Jim and aunt Betty stand out my mind. Going to the Jim and Betty’s house all some of my fondest memories Fairmont. Aunt Betty is the most loving and caring person I’ve ever met growing up. She always made us feel special. When we went there by cousins also treated us as siblings.  

Mike was much older and more mature but Greg and Steve used to tease me mercilessly. I also got to tease my cousin Nancy and Cindy. Sue was a little older than me so she is my sister formed a bond. Amy was just a little kid so I don’t remember much of her. My cousin Timothy was a special soul. He grew up with awful health problems. He was very serious and when we were around Timothy Greg and Steve did not tease me. I think Timothy let them know that he didn’t have time for that stuff. Timothy was a loving and bighearted person and I wish I’d gotten to spend more time with him. He passed on way too early from his health problems.
Later on we found out that my cousin Steve had Hodgkins lymphoma. We were told he would be lucky to live to be 17 or 18. He exceeded this by at least three decades. I’m afraid we lost touch with my grandmother, grandfather and aunt and uncles when my mom passed. That was when I was 10. I hope to continue this series starting with her. It was without a doubt the most significant event in my life. Everything changed after that.