Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, June 6, 2016

Racism – Current Conclusion

This series I have on racism is leading up to some conclusions I’ve come to based on Donald Trump and his positions on immigration. He has proposed a registry of immigrants of Arab nationality. While on the surface this may seem like a good idea this given me a lot of thoughts about how it pertains to the rest of American culture. I am the grandson of four immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. Two of my grandparents were Irish. When the Irish first started emigrating there was a huge amount of bigotry and racism toward them. I’m told that KKK started originally to persecute the Irish. Fortunately for me and many others the Irish assimilated into American culture.

Donald Trump’s proposal for an Arab registry. The details of how this would work out are beyond comprehension. Would every person who might be viewed as Arab have to have papers proving their American citizenship so they are not confused with current immigrants? Since I have been viewed as different nationalities would I then have to prove over and over again that I am an American citizen? How would I do that? Would papers have to be issued and always With the person to prove their nationality to avoid what ever it is that Donald Trump seeks with his registry of Arab immigrants?
How this affects all Americans seems to get lost in Donald Trump’s rhetoric. On the surface his comments seem like good comments. When viewed in the overall scheme of things they lose their meaning and seem to lead to what I would consider the beginnings of a “Police State”. Personally I fear police state, especially one run by Donald Trump, more terrifying than a few Arab immigrants.

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