This morning Facebook reminded me a year ago I posted that I've been off work for one year. That means I've been off work now for two years. I have to admit the disease isolates me and my wife. The problems getting around and dealing with a society that doesn't make it very easy for handicapped people to go anywhere are one thing. One of the things that isolates me the most is my difficulty speaking and being heard. If there is any background noise no one can make out what I'm saying. Many times I cannot even be heard in the same room with no background noise. Somehow my wife usually figures out what I'm trying to say but in a group I have to give up because it's too hard for anyone to understand me. Oh well no use crying over!
I was diagnosed about seven years ago. At that time the neurologist told me I would probably walk with a cane and wouldn't be in a wheelchair until after my normal retirement age. He admits now he was wrong. The disease has taken much more than he expected or I expected. Again oh well no use crying.
It has been 17 years since the first symptoms showed up. There was weakness in my left leg and I had trouble standing in my boat. Of course it was many years before he got bad enough to seek a doctor about it. My neurologist said that was the type of MS I have it didn't make any difference that I ignored the doctor for all those years. The type of MS I have is "it is what it is". No treatments, no meds. Physical therapy helped a little but really not worth the cost and the time. What little I gained I lost within a few months anyway. Again no use crying over it. Just have to move on and my wife and with our sons help. We Will muddle through.
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