Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, July 18, 2016

Sad Choice - Liar or the Lunatic

Our current choices for president will be Clinton or Trump. I know many of you love one of these candidates but I do not. I thought the choice last election between Obama and Romney was one of the worst choices ever. The worst was the choice between Nixon and McGovern. Now the choice we have saddens me the most. I apologize to Hillary lovers but she is a liar. I believe she is not quite a criminal but very close as many people in power are.

The Donald Trump lovers are a different breed altogether. I'm sorry you're so enamored with him, I think he's a lunatic and always have. He would consult with himself because he's the smartest person he knows and he has a good brain. Are you kidding me if you worked with this guy you would hate him, what kind of hubris is this.

Today I see on the news there's been another police shooting and it is in Baton Rouge. I don't even think the blood on the ground is dry and Donald Trump is turning it into a political battle. He is blaming the current administration. What is wrong with this guy? He does not seem to have a single human emotion other than "I want what I want when I want it". Do you Trump lovers realize that people have been killed? Out of respect to those who have been killed mouths should be shut will for respectful interval.
All I can say at this point is "you gotta be kidding me"!

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