Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Friday, October 6, 2017

Minor update

I will probably keep my blog going but I'm not sure if I will have a theme or not. One thing I wanted to report is that the initial benefit I got for my infusion is now gone. My wife thinks it's that the steroids I got during the infusion were what caused the benefit. I read that it takes 3 to 6 months to find out how really works for you. Earlier this week my right arm was totally dead. Yesterday morning I can move it a little bit and raise my elbow up a little bit this morning I was having too many spasm to tell of my right arm worked.  rght now I would say it is prevented the disease from advancing and that is its primary purpose. Of course I hope to get some use of my right arm and hand back. It would be great if I could drive my own chair or feed myself in the morning. Right now my wife is feeding me breakfast but I wish I could do it myself so she could get back to work sooner. Time will tell I guess.
It took about a week before I quit having tears because we lost Macy. Now I have to admit I miss her every day especially in the evenings. Even though I hardly saw her the last year or so it was great knowing there was a cat around and she like to tease Atlas. That entertained all of us. I can't say I want another cat because I doubt they'll ever be another one who bonds to me like she did and vice versa. When I got there I could still take care of her but now I can do anything so I don't really think it would be a good idea to get another cat.

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