Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, October 19, 2017

More on pets and a little bit about me

I have been off work now for over 3 years. My number 1 fear while I was working was that I would be bored when I got on disability plus the loss of income scared me. I found that when I was off work I really wasn't bored until just recently. I have missed the income the whole time and trust that somehow God will take care of us because I fell short getting prepared us as I had to quit work early. As you know I lost Macy to disease a few weeks ago.
Our sons dog Atlas is here and between us I think we miss the distraction of having a cat. We didn't see a lot of her during the day when she would come out 3 or 4 times to get water or food. The best ones were when she would tear down the hallway sounded like a herd of horses and go over to her scratching post and pound on it. she would I behind the TV stand and look out at the dog.
Now it's just me and Atlas and to be honest he seems bored. I wish I could play with him. I can't even pet him. Some days I have him get up on my left arm of the chair and he licks my face. I don't mind him licking my ears or chin but I hate it when he licks my glasses or my mouth. A lot of the time you sits on the couch with his head on a pillow and stares at me. I feel like I'm letting him down because I think he wants to play. Poor little puppy.
So I started getting bored a few weeks ago are couple months ago. I have the TV on but it is muted and I read the close captioning. There's not really much on it is interesting. I sort of follow the price is right but read the newspaper on my PC at the same time. The only interesting parts now or when they give away a car. Earlier this week they tried to give away a Jaguar but the lady fell short in the game. Today they gave away a Ford fiesta, that seems like a real rip. You win a car but it's a Ford fiesta. I go through my Facebook newsfeed usually while the young and restless is on. I sort of pay attention to the young and restless but some of the characters are so boring I don't really follow it. After I catch up on Facebook that I think about posting on my blog.
I have been very motivated about it since Macy died. For some reason that has given me a I don't care attitude. I'm slowly getting back to thinking about posting more. My wife pointed out a dog on Facebook and that is with the last hope animal shelter. Now I'm thinking about getting a dog. I don't think I want another cat. I was very picky when looking for cat and Macy more or less chose me which made it easy. I help my son look for dogs at the shelter and there were none that would fit in with this lifestyle. He ended up finding a fantastic Labrador. And his breeding was more to me up at the hunting dog and he came from a farm where the family love the puppies and I had a hard time letting them go. The mother was on her 2nd litter. The 1st had 11 puppies and the one Atlas came from at 13 puppies. They won't read the mother anymore because they care about her and don't want her to have another big litter. When we looked at the puppies the whole litter were so calm . I was amazed. I will try to go to a dog adoption event this weekend but I'm not sure if I can find a dog that suits us. I am not in a hurry to get another pet it would be fun to look at adoptable animals. I don't worry about them getting along with Atlas because he is so friendly and everybody loves him. We can take them down to NewBo with us and he is calm and lots of people come over and want to pet him. My wife lets the kids do the biscuit on the nose trick with him. Those kids seem so happy it's hilarious.

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