Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Lacy and Slim are coming out of their shells.

I have not posted for a few days because Dan was visiting and his wife Danielle was here for short time also. All through the holiday weekend and Monday I was never alone and good and use the voice software. It was sure nice visit and Matt came over every day see Dan, Danielle, Atlas and the cats.
Today is just me and the animals. Both of them came out in the living room and kitchen wandered around while Atlas slept on the couch. Then later Lacy went all over the living room and even one over by Atlas, stretched out and sniffed him. He was asleep and never noticed. She is been a bunch of time looking out the front window and there one point where she was sitting on the end of the couch looking out the front window and she looked just like Macy sitting there. She also found a folding chair was on that so she can look out the window.
I'm hoping they get to where they will sleep on top of me like Macy did but I doubt that will ever happened. It's nice to have the distraction of seeing them wander around and sit on top of stuff like the couch. He wanted to let you know that I'm still out there and trying to think of things to put on my blog.

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