Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A tribute to my loving wife!

A little over 10 years ago our marriage started to change from a romantic type relationship to a friendship based relationship. Currently, due to MS, my wife is my primary caregiver and has to do almost everything for me. There been some challenges during this morph but it hasn't been that hard because she has always made me laugh. Since I committed to her decades ago I would have to say there was no one I would rather spend time with. She is always made me laugh which is made my MS difficulties a little easier to bear. She is not only been a great girlfriend, wife and mother but she had been a great source of strength and happiness that really helped me when I'm down in the dumps.
Last night was a fairly difficult night and I was very restless. Not sure why. I woke up at 430 and could not go back to sleep. My mind got trapped in the circular reasoning and fretting about the effects of my disease. It's has advanced faster and farther than I ever imagined possible. The doctor told me I was atypical which gives little comfort. My sons do many things to take care of me and give me a reason to live but without my wife I don't think I would be here today. I love her dearly and I cannot think of anything more to say. I hope that is enough to express my love for her.

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