Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Friday, October 2, 2015

Some Success

I’m feeling pretty happy with myself right now. I figured out how to add multiple pages at the bottom of my blog. So now I have added two more and can add more in the future. The voice recognition program I have works great with an old copy of Microsoft Word. It works great when I go to the old style desktop. It works terrible under Windows 8. I can dictate in all these new apps but it won’t automatically capitalize and I cannot correct its mistakes. To do that I have to dictate in word and copy everything to the app I want to use.

I am happy because I am figuring out how to maneuver around these limitations. I can turn my voice recognition on and use it to control the mouse even in the newer screens. It won’t jump to a menu item like I got used to do with an older version of Windows and voice recognition but I can still control the mouse by voice. I can use it to click or I can use it to move the mouse. Moving the mouse by voice is very slow. I can still use my right hand somewhat so I do that instead and then just click my voice.
So now I am set up to do blog posts as well as pages at the bottom of my blog screen. Yay I feel like I’ve accomplished a goal!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, glad you figured out the issue is windows 8! it's a great feeling to finally figure out an issue like that..
