I have read quite often that there are people who think you should choose a shelter animal over other ones. Since I can no longer scratch Macy's chin I have become "persona non grata". She had become Janette cat and hounds Tom and he is here. Sometimes I feel bad about it but that's how cats are. It's one of you done for me in the last five minutes.
I love having Atlas here. He sleeps on the bed with me and it is nice to have him around. This is mad e me think I wish I had a dog of my own. So I have looked at some of the rescue sites and all of them say they don't know if the dog's house broke. It is a huge thing since I cannot let the dog out or work with them as a young one. Atlas can go the 6 to 8 hours that he might have to without a problem.
Somebody posted one on Facebook that seemed perfect for me. It weighed 15 pounds but it was in Omaha. It said it was well-off broke which was unusual for shelter animals. Tom is near Omaha once in a while so I thought maybe I could adopted and Tom could check it out and bring it home if he does good.
When I look to their requirements that they had for adopters I was stunned. They required of fenced in yard and they had a application that was more extensive than it took to get a mortgage. Then they required a home visit to see if you are suitable. Their fee was $400 and I would be expected to have the dog well this check by my veterinarian.
I can see why shelter dogs don't get adopted and people just choose to purchase a puppy. So much easier than the shelter dog requirements. I think they need to make it easier to adopt their animals. To me if you own a home you should be able to bring the dog home with no questions asked. It seems to me a dog will be happier there than it can all waiting months for the right person. Before my son Tom purchased Atlas he checked local shelters. All they had were little dogs that were yippee and big dogs were pretty old and very large. That is why he decided to get a puppy.
He ended up getting a puppy from a family by Washington Iowa. They were very nice people and there are very caring about the dogs they bred and where the puppies went. Atlases mom had two large litters for them.. Atlas had 12 brothers and sisters. To show all nice these people are they would bring each pup into the house at night one by one. So Atlas was sort of house broke when Tom picked him up. Since the mother and had two large litters they were not going to breeder again. They are very caring about their dogs. These seem to fall in love with each of the pups and had a hard time letting them go
the point of my post today is that sheltered need to find a way to not make it so hard to adopt.
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