Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, July 6, 2017

MS – problems lately and some ways I deal with this disease

I'm pretty sure that today is Thursday. The holidays always mess me up and I have to think real hard to remember what day of the week it is. I haven't posted much lately partly because I'm not alone to use my voice software. Another reason is that my eyesight makes it difficult to read the small print that my voice software uses. I tried changing the default size but it just kept going back to what I have now. I got tired of fighting it, but my eyes have some problems with focusing both eyes on the same thing, and having to lean back in my chair because I can't hold my head up anymore make posting difficult and proofreading almost impossible.
It really annoys me when I read what I posted and I find a bunch of mistakes with words that seem impossible for my voice software to screw up. It really doesn't do pronouns very well. I know you all read past these and I appreciate it but I still find it frustrating. It's very difficult to change.
I'm again plagued by problems remembering. I think of things to post and then I forget what they were by the time I'm in my chair.
My friend Bruce came over the other day and he said he doesn't know how I deal with this disease and my dependence on others for everything. I told him there are a lot of people who have it worse so I feel guilty complaining. I told him about this beautiful little girl named Evie who is 3 now. She had liver cancer and it went to stage IV last week. It is so advanced she needs a complete liver not just part of a lobe. The next day she was going to start chemo because there was no transplant available. 20 minutes before her chemo would start they got word that a transplant had become available. The amazing thing is that if she'd started chemo she wouldn't be able to have the transplant with the drug in her system. She had the surgery which lasted 7 hours and she is doing pretty well.
There were others that I mentioned like one of our neighbors deceased husband had MS for years. She is retired and 80 years old and for 20 years her husband was blind due to MS. I also mentioned a young man in our church who has relapsing MS. I can't imagine living with the ups and downs of that kind of MS. My kind is considered worse because more people with my type end up in wheelchairs and such, but I didn't get any symptoms until I was close to 50. I can't imagine living with wondering every day if my MS would make me disabled for one day or one year, there's no way of knowing with that type.
I told Bruce my friend that it's hard to complain when I'm so well taken care of and there are others with much bigger burdens than I.

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