Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday blues

I am finding it hard to dictate to my computer. One day last week, yesterday and today I have a never ending amount of phlegm in my throat. I try coughing it up but I seem to lack the lung power to get rid of it. If I do finally cough it up 10 minutes later there is more. It's kind of getting on my nerves and seemed to wear me out and make the day extra long. I'm not sure why one day I am fine and the next day it's a never-ending battle. I guess it's just another thing I have to muddle through. Having rattling breathing all the time.
My wife gave me some sort of good news yesterday. The water heater is not leaking. The water is coming from the furnace so they will be here Wednesday to check it out. The high-efficiency furnaces have water removed from the exhaust air before it is sent outside.
I'm having no end of problems with my voice software. I totally regret upgrading release 14. Is so flaky and release 13 work so much better. My son found out that release 14 exceeds the hardware I have but it is too late now. For some reason it keeps losing its connection to this dictation box I have opened with it. I have to turn off the software and turn it back on for it to reconnect. I've had to do that over 20 times for this post. It's also made worse by my inconsistent clicking with smile mouse. Sometimes it takes 5 tries to get it to select something. A lot of times it just clicks to select when I'm just talking. Last few days and this seemed very inconsistent. To be honest it wears me out to fix my posts because of the errors that come from my problems speaking clearly and my difficulties with this stupid software. I have a USB microphone coming from Amazon. Hopefully that will work better than the microphone in the PC.

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