Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday's problems are a little better

I had mentioned Sunday that I was having trouble with the phlegmy cough. Yesterday the phlegm charted breaking up and I was able to cough a lot of it up. I still coughed all day but one out of 4 coughing episodes brought up from phlegm. It still seems like there is a never supply of it. I read somewhere along time ago at dairy products produce a lot of mucus so maybe that is my problem. I had ice cream on Saturday but paying for for 2 days seems a little extreme. Today is Tuesday and I am still phlegmy and coughing but not as much is yesterday. I still have rattley breathing but it is not as bad as Sunday was.
Today was my monthly trip to the urologist.. Today Matt took me so my wife did not have to miss work. We had lunch at Caribou coffee. I sure like their coffee. Had an apple Fritter that was really good.
I found that my smile mouse works better if I tilt the PC screen back a little bit. I had tilted it forward so I could read it easier. Everything is a trade-off. My new microphone did not come until to day so I'm not sure when I will get it working. Right now my voice software tells me it cannot hear me very well. We tried to figure out where the PC microphone is but never could. I think would help if I could project toward it. I'll let you know how things go.

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