Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

My mixed philosophies part one

I promised a post about how my value system retains of things from when I was young. When I was in my early 20s I really didn't have much of a value system and drank a lot. My friend and I had motorcycles and we ripped around Cedar Rapids. I had a beard and was kind of a bad boy but never really got into much trouble. I'm not sure what my, wife who was my girlfriend back then, saw in me, but she had common sense and I didn't have much. My affection for her kept me from being too bad. I found that what her dad thought of me mattered a lot, probably because I had no relationship with my dad. He put all his effort into my stepmother, stepsister and his new son. I kind of felt like I was the odd man out and so be it. My best friend from the neighborhood when I was in junior high was really wild. He ended up being out of control to his parent's and they turned him over to the state. He was in foster care after that which is a whole other story. There is sure a big difference in foster parents. My friend Mike was really into Indian lore and values. He used to share these with me and we did some things like canoeing when there was a thin sheet of ice that we had to break through and camping in winter. That's what the Indians did so that's what Mike wanted to do. I thought a lot of the Indians' values like the great Spirit were a lot of bunk but I enjoyed some of the activities with Mike. One summer day after I could drive went to a nearby river and covered ourselves in mud climbed up and some trees and hung over the river and would jump off. Occasionally we did it when canoers went by. Most of them thought it was pretty funny. Of course I have digressed from my subject. This is probably why I am socially awkward and tried to avoid being around people I don't know. I either don't start talking or I start talking and and up rambling.
I'm not sure when but I saw the movie "Little Big Man". The story starts out with with his family heading west in a wagon train back in the pioneer days. They are attacked by Indians and everyone but he and his sister were killed. They were taken by the Indians. Why this resonates with me is because the main character, Jack, leads many different types of lives as he goes through on thing after another. He is brought up as an Indian and is picked on and humiliated by the boys. Eventually he gets angry enough that he punches his main tormentor in the nose. In this tribe that was never done and this tormentor was humiliated. Jack became one of the Indians and learned all of the Indian ways of this particular tribe. When he became old enough he went on a war party  and distinguished himself. He became the adopted son/grandson the main chief "Old Lodge Skins". The old chief was very wise and it was the start of the times when the Indians were being pushed out of their lifestyle by the whites. In this movie Old Lodge Skins imparted is philosophies to Jack who had been renamed Little Big Man based on a previous warriors name that the old chief told about. Is probably the wisdom of the chief they gave me some of my philosophies in life. One of them was that you always assume the best about things and of the people. This made me very naïve as I was also very gullible and naïve probably from bouncing around and moving a lot as I was growing up. I see I will have to continue this later as I am running out of speech energy. I have to suck my breath in and hold it in until my voice software is done writing the last thing. This wears out my chest muscles. I hope to continue this later and it will take me remembering where I left off. My memory is gotten extremely bad due to the combination of getting old and the double whammy of having MS affecting my brain as it progresses. Thank you again for reading my blog. You really enjoy posting about our pets. The other posts are more like a job that keeps me from just vegging out all day. Also it shared a little bit of my personality.

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