Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lengthy update – Macy makes my life difficult yesterday

I haven't posted for a while because I'm getting worse with my MS. Course I'm expecting it to get worse but it always surprises me how quickly it happens. This week is not gone very well physically. A few weeks ago we could no longer stretch my right arm out perpendicular to my body to stretch my shoulder and arm in the mornings. This coincided with a decrease and the functionality of my right hand. When my son Tom was home I had him stretch my arm out before he got me up thinking it would help. It didn't help my right hand functionality so I realize it's not thing MS is taking away.
Monday morning I woke up I couldn't get my right hand out of the covers. After my wife put me in my chair I was barely able to drive out to the living room. I couldn't feed myself the rest of my breakfast. She fed me half of it before she had to go back to work so I didn't go hungry. My right hand became like my left-handed loses crawled up in a ball on my lap for most of the day. I couldn't get my voice software to work without a reboot I had to wait for my son to come and give me lunch and rebooted then. That pretty much wasted Monday.
Yesterday my voice software was working and I started to go through Facebook. Then Macy decided to jump up on my lap. This was much earlier than usual and I just started Facebook so I didn't back up to give her some more room. I guess is was a mistake because she stepped off my lap onto my laptop PC and walked around on the keyboard. She turned around a few times and then lay down on the keyboard. She couldn't get comfortable and so she got up and walked her around in a circle again and ended up sitting facing the window where she could see out a little bit. She ignored my pleas to get off my keyboard. That's how cats are, they're in charge. She finally got off my PC and I couldn't use it anymore because she whacked out the voice software and everything else. I had to wait for my son to reboot it and then I tried again. Since my right hand is failing it ended up falling on the control joystick and I ended up turning sideways my PC table and running into it at the same time. My arm was stuck so I used "hey Siri" to call my son and he came and got me unstuck. I decided I had had enough and so I leaned my chair back and decided to take a nap until my wife got home.
When I woke up it was near 5 PM. Unfortunately I have arm spasm when I wake up. During my right arm spasm my hand at the joystick again and started to move my PC table. I tried as hard as I could to move it off of the joystick. I was partially successful but ended up being on the opposite side of the joystick so that it ran into my PC table, lamp table and I started spinning around. Could not get my arm off of it and I ended up driving my chair and PC table into the dining table which made me come to a stop. I was able to finally get my hand off and then use my hand a little bit to drive backwards away from the dining table and out from under the PC table little bit. I was not in any danger or pain so I decided my wife would be home within an hour or so so I would just stay there to see came home. Facebook was open so I ended up being able to catch up on my newsfeed before she got home. Plus her art when she came home she didn't scold me but just helped me get back to my normal spot. She fixed my PC table and I stayed out of trouble rest of the night.
This morning I have a small amount of mobility in my right hand and decided to use what little energy I have to post on my blog. I think the previous days problems were just a forerunner of what I can expect in the future from my right hand but today I can do a little something so I well. For some reason yesterday's fiascoes did not bother me. I wish I could say was because I am a good Christian and have the Lord in my art. It's more like I just feel that inside and what more can happen to me that hasn't already happened. I'm probably not the best example of a Christian but I do know Jesus and know that he loves me. I appreciate that I have some used today and hope my right hand will continue to be usable even a tiny bit. No telling though MS is a cruel taskmaster.

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