Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

MS – Miscellaneous Post

I used to have so many ideas about what to post. That was back when I could take photos or copy portions of my Bible and comment on either. Now that I can no longer do either I kind of run out of ideas. I guess I get tired posting about MS.
I'm not sure how much to reveal about my particular disease. As you can imagine how difficult it is to not be able to use my arms and hands. There's so many things now that other people have to do for me. I could no longer scratch anywhere I have a itch, this is really pretty frust itch rating and humiliating to ask so often. For some reason my eyebrows are the most common. One of the common symptoms of MS is itching. I take two Benadryl at bedtime to help with this. For some reason MS makes my hands itch and without the Benadryl I arms itch and spasm. I also cannot feed myself. Used to be able to feed myself in the morning and my arms were fresh but that ended last December. I guess I'm just a big baby now.
Normal things like combing hair, shaving, brushing teeth have to be done by someone else. I'm a little too embarrassed to discuss bathroom functions except to say that I need to be lifted in the sling and suspended over the toilet. Enough said.
My main caregiver is my wife and my sons help out. Our youngest son comes over every day before work and feeds me lunch and does some of the things.
One of the most "unfortunate" things is that I could no longer scratch Macy's ears or chin. This is a serious issue and she is had to branch out and find other "suckers" to take advantage of. When our son Tom is here she is relentless in getting him to brush her. He yells at her but then brushes is one anyway. She sure has a way of getting what she wants.

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