Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Politics and Fairness – seem to be a double standard

Politics/fairness – I was not a Hillary supporter/hater or a Donald Trump supporter/hater. I do have to point out a lack of fairness I see now.
When I see Kelly Ann Conway on TV I cannot help but think of what Donald Trump said about Carly Fioraina. Whatever is that about Carly could easily apply to Kelly Ann Conway.
When I hear on the news Donald Trump whining about how unfair the media is toward is people I cannot help but think of what he said and insinuated about Ted Cruz's father being involved in the Kennedy assassination.
One Donald Trump ignores and combines about the interest in is Russian connection I cannot help but think of how you criticize specific things about Hillary Clinton and her connections and pay to play.
The word disingenuous comes to mind! Also narcissistic crybaby.

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