Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, May 8, 2017

Childhood cancer – a story close to my heart.
We went to a great nephews 2nd birthday party a few weeks ago. One of his mother's friends has a little girl named Evie. I knew this little girl had cancer a while ago. The whole time we were there she was so active and energetic I was really impressed. I don't think there was another kid there that was busier than her. I would have to say she found a place in my heart. Her mom was there also and I was impressed with her parenting. She always kept one eye on her but just let her play. That would've been hard to keep up with her but her mom always had one eye on her. She let her play though and was not overprotective.
On our way home I mentioned to my wife how cute and active Evie was. She told me her cancer and come back and it broke my heart little bit. Childhood diseases make me pretty angry and they seem so unfair. I was not disabled until I was in my 50s. I don't think God works this way but I would be glad to take her disease if she could be healed of it.
I find she is still in my heart even after all these weeks and I pray for almost every day. It would be every day but I tend to forget things. Please pray for Evie, that she would be healed of her disease. Also that they would be born up in this time. I have heard they are doing very well in their attitude and I'm so glad they're optimistic. I've included the link to her Gofundme page.

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