Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Miscellaneous update – Wednesday

I haven't posted anything this week so I feel like I should post something. Today is a very rainy day with a storm moving in later. I felt sorry for the mailman as he was walking around and it was raining pretty hard. It has been pretty busy week. Tom and Atlas are here so Tom gets me up in the morning. He lets me sleep later than I normally do so that shortens my day a little bit. It's nice having them here and Atlas is my sleeping buddy. When I go to bed he comes in and sleeps with me for at least an hour. In the mornings after Janette goes to work he gets up on the bed and sleeps with me some more. Used to make Macy jealous but now she just doesn't seem to care. Cats are like that you know.
Monday I had a appointment with the urologist, my yearly sit down with him to go over the results of my ultrasound of my bladder and kidneys. No problems. Last year he found a bladder stone but this year I got a clean bill of health.
Yesterday my neurologist had a cancellation so we got to see him about the new drug that is approved for my type of MS. Is the 1st medication approved by the FDA for me. I'm not sure what to expect but it is supposed to help slow the disease progression which in my case is been extremely fast. To be honest I needed this 5 years ago but at least they're working on it. From the talk my wife had with the representative at the recent MS walk I may be the 1st non-ambulatory person to try it. There's a lot of red tape involved as far as approval for paying for it. If insurance won't cover it there are programs with the marketing company as well as the manufacturer to have it paid for. Of course all of this takes a lot of time and paperwork. I got the impression from the doctor that no one has actually received their infusion yet. Hopefully we'll hear something sooner rather than later. The marketing company and manufacturer both have a program to help even with the deductible if it is too high so that is good.
now that I have my 90 pound sleeping buddy I look forward to bedtime even more. My wife also makes him say night night to Papa. She makes him come up and he puts his paws on my chest and lays his head on my chest also. He is so sweet when he does this. Sometimes he'll give me a kiss on my chin. In the mornings When I get up Atlas likes to have my covers thrown over him and we referred to him as Taco dog. Some days he stays in there even after we leave the room and we have to call him. He sure seems to like getting covered up.
Well I don't have much else to report today. Hope everything is good with you and thank you for reading my blog.

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