Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

More on the dog exhibits

this is another post about the dog exhibition we went to on Saturday. About my driving my chair – it went better than I thought and when we were done looking at the exhibitions I drove back into the van and that was about it for what my hand was up to. Still going to be a while before I have confidence enough to drive without my wife there to be my safety person. I thought I would share about some of the dogs we saw. It was quite a menagerie and way more fun than I was expecting.
The 1st row of exhibitions only had a booth with greyhounds as their emphasis. I can't say there were very interesting and to me there kind of strange looking dogs so I didn't stop there. They had 3 or 4 but I've never thought of them as a pet for me though I hear their good pets. It the end of that row I mentioned a group of people and dogs. This was pretty interesting. There was one dog there it was part border collie and maybe part Australian Shepherd. It wasn't very cute was when it's color and hair were just beautiful. The owner was quite fond of his dog. That was about the time lady with the snake came over and I notice that what I thought was a fenced area with puppies was really a fenced area with a skunk. So I just kept going. And up talking to a lady about dog Mills but so far no dogs or puppies to pick us out. We kept going down the line of exhibitions and our next stop was at the exhibition for the obstacle course and the flyball course. My wife knows one of the people there and she and her dogs came to Atlas's birthday party so we stopped there. I met a guy in went to Jack Russell Terriers, which I tend to really like, and we discussed having a working dog versus a dog as a pet. I told him I thought Terriers needed work to do but they would get bored. He introduced me to one of his and said that this one like to sleep all day and was a kind of a cuddler so I shouldn't give up on them.
We got to see one of the dogs we knew that was a border collie named Storm. Storm did the obstacle course and I was pretty impressed. It was kind of drizzling then so there was no flyball while was wrestling. I think it was about then that I noticed that Cedar Valley humane shelter at a booth so we went down there. I'm not sure if that was a smart move were not. They had a very cute daschound mix that was very friendly and very cute. 7 months old and lady put her on my lap table and we got acquainted. Course I wanted to take her home with lady told us that her sibling was there and they were a bonded pair. If you take one you have to take the other. I still can't let the dog out to go to the bathroom so I can have one right now so those 2 were out of convention.
Before we left I notice this pitbull looking dog that had a vest on this said adopt me. I'm not a real pitbull lover but I thought this one was around a lot of people so with was pretty safe. I drove over and it turned out she was a very sweet dog and very affectionate. Her head was huge and she plopped it on my lap table like she was cuddling with me. What was really funny is that Atlas got jealous and had to come over and make sure I was okay and that I didn't find a dog I like better than him. I've never seen jealous over me before. He and the pitbull really like each other and I think they want to play but both were on leashes so they couldn't.
Since it was starting to drizzle I was able to drive my chair back to the van and inside. Why was there my wife went to get me some lunch because they had some wonderful smelling hamburgers cooking. She brought them back around the time the flyball started so I missed that. It was a little never that I expected and would be fun to go watch a competition sometime.
While we were in the van I kept seeing a lady with the tiniest little dog on a leash. Everywhere she went people wanted to pet the dog and it was very friendly. After missing flyball we said goodbye to the people my wife knows and we ended up crossing paths with that little dog and the lady. I think she said it was either chiauau or mix. It was so tiny but was 5 years old. Very cute and she said it on my lap table and I made a new friend. It was her dog so it was not up for adoption. If I had that dog I'd be afraid of our neighborhood owls carrying it off. The owls around here are big enough that we have heard them carry off rabbits squealing.
One another cute dog we saw was a little mostly black German short hair. It was very shy and the girl who owned it was carrying it around with its head on her shoulder. It was so cute and reminded me of when Atlas was a puppy and I could hold him like a baby. It seems like my wife's biggest worry when I got away from where was that I would get a dog without her knowing till we were home. That didn't happen and so I will keep whining about needing a dog. Really I just want to be a full to scratch my kitty's chin again so she cuddles with me. I also I will be able to throw the ball for Atlas. If I get enough use back I won't need a new pet. Oh that's the end of this story thank you so much for reading my blog..

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