Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, August 28, 2017

Phil on the loose

On Saturday I reported that I could drive my chair. Today I will mention some particulars that made it possible. Since I was able to move my right arm in bed I wanted to try drive my chair. My wife and I decided to go to a dog exhibition that was across town at a grocery store parking lot. There was going to be an obstacle course and a flyball demonstration. My wife knew one of the ladies was involved in that. There were also other shelters and such with exhibitions. My wife thinks I wanted to go there are so I can find a puppy or dog. I have to admit that the potential did exist that was not really my plan. I tend to think that the best case is not me picking out a dog but a dog picking out us.
After my wife got me ready to go I asked if I can try drive my chair. I thought I would just make it into the other room. She had to put my right hand on the control and away I went. Turning right is always been the hardest and there was a right turn to get to the door out to the garage. I had enough control that this worked out and I ended up driving all the way out the garage door down my ramp over to the van and up into the ramp. I was also able to come to a stop without her pulling my hand off the joystick. I would not try driving it without her there to back me up and stop me if I couldn't stop. Ended up being able to turn around in the van and drive my chair in the lock. After admit I was amazed because it is been 9 months since I've been able to do that.
And will we got to the exhibit I could lift my hand up on the controls joystick and I said let me try driving out of the van. I was able to back out, turn and go down the ramp. I was on a roll and he stayed close to her so she could stop me if I couldn't stop. We started out looking at each exhibit and she was talking to someone and I just kept going to see the artwork done by a chainsaw artist. It kind of worried or that I drove ahead without her but I was very happy that I had a tiny bit of independence.
We got to the end of that role of exhibitions and there was a large group of people and their dogs grouped up. I came to a stop and told my wife that I didn't know if I can make it through the crowd without hitting somebody and she was going to help me except that an opening showed up in the crowd and I drove in. I thought there were dogs or puppies to look at for adoption but this exhibition had a snake in a skunk. I'm not a big fan of snakes and wasn't interested in the skunk so I drove off and went down the other side of the row.
One lady I talked to was with a group that is trying to get more inspections or shutting down entirely dog Mills in Iowa. There are a lot of them and they treat the mothers very cruelly. Is a problem that needs addressing but the government claims their understaffed and so these groups keep manufacturing dogs and son them to pet stores. There seems to be fraud involved because they will have a crossbreed dog but marketed as a purebred and charge exorbitant prices. I don't see how people can be so cruel especially in the mother dogs were often kept in cages and never let out. They get letter after letter from them and when they're done with them they may dump them somewhere or take them to a shelter and leave them.
Well I will post more on our visit to the dog exhibition later. Spoiler alert – I did not come home with the dog.

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