Unfortunately I read that one of the common problems with MS is that the afflicted person is left by their significant other. In our support group there been a number of young people whose boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them after their diagnosis. I've heard of many marriages that have dissolved because of the difficulties that come with taking care of a person with MS. Most married people agree in their vows to stay with someone for richer or poorer and even if health is an issue.
One thing about these vows, myself included, is that most people can't even imagine a disease like MS. I have never heard of the type I have until I was diagnosed. And I took my vows in 1978 I can easily say that I didn't imagine this type of disease. Debilitating, but not terminal. A disease with symptoms and debilitation for decades. I knew of diseases like cancer, tumors, accidents that leave someone paralyzed etc. in my mind all those years ago I knew that these were a possibility. When we took our vows, it never crossed my mind that I would have to deal with something like I have if the situation were reversed. I am amazed at my wife and her dedication to me. She took our vows literally and I'm the beneficiary of that. I like to think of the situation were reversed I would do all the she is done but I doubt if I would have done it as well as she has. I essentially require the care that newborn baby would get only I weigh 200 pounds. She still makes me laugh, and we have been through richer and poor and that was hard and now we're going through bad health.
The decades that come with a diagnosis of MS is one reason why I think many people split up. When they get married neither imagine a disease of this type. It's a very poorly publicized disease. When they face the reality of how much care some people need it is easy to see why they would say "I didn't sign up for this". I feel bad for the people they are left alone with this disease because everyone with it needs a caregiver. I am one of the fortunate ones and to be honest I live with the constant fear that something will happen to her. I spent years as an engineer and always had to figure out a backup plan in case something didn't work right the 1st time. I worry that I have no backup plan for where I'm at now. My wife has been great and I can't tell you how important that is been to me. Words don't do it justice. I also have a relationship with Jesus Christ. When I worry I really need to pray instead. He has promised never to leave me or forsake me, so with that promise and the care I get for my wife, sons, and others, I am well taken care of and need to quit worrying. Of course that's easier said than done!
Phil this is right on. I can go back several years before I was diagnosed and we was starting to have problems. But in my case I was getting hit twice with the Meningioma and the M/S. As you start having bad dreams, thinking your spouse does like you. Then you get thoughts someone else likes you. the thoughts of suicide and it goes on and sucks and wears on a relationship