Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Had a nice Christmas. We went to one of my wife's sister's house for Christmas Eve. Almost everyone was there and one of my great nephews made sure my beer didn't get warm before I could drink it. I find when I drink dark beers I don't drink very much because they make me so full plus there were lots of good eats. I got lots of hugs and my nieces are very affectionate toward me and make me feel so welcome. So do my sister-in-law's but they tend to be kind of busy.
Christmas day we had about half of the group that was there for Christmas Eve. It is become our custom that we provide prime rib with a herb rub   seared onto it. it makes the roast taste a little bit like pastrami. A lot of good food, good desserts and cookies. Fortunately I didn't eat way too much. Later on one of my nieces, her fiancĂ© and their daughter came over with their little dog Josie. It was great seeing them and the little daughter is so cute. We found out last time they were here that their daughter could crawl through the cat door in the gate we use to keep Atlas out of the cat room. When he goes back there eats all their food otherwise we wouldn't care.
That evening I have to say I ended up feeling a little bit bummed. To be totally transparent I have to say I am being ground down by my MS symptoms and wish I could do more to help out and be able to talk and greet people better. What really got me bummed out is that my trigeminal neuralgia is coming back. Once again it is quite painful and this time it hurts when I'm talking but not all the time. I thought we were past this but I guess not. Months ago it started to come back and I started the medication again on a low-dose. Then I tried to decrease the number of pills each week until I got down to 2 pills a week. No pain and the and then I tried to go without it. Big mistake, now it's back with a vengeance. Now I'm taking 2 pills a day hoping to keep it at bay. I really don't want to go through another rhizotomy I don't want to take so many of these pills. It used to be the pills affected what little use I had in my arms but in the last year have lost the use anyway so it doesn't really matter now other than I just don't like to take medication. These were the only pills that I have taken that have had noticeable side effect other than making me drowsy.
So then I had a Christmas miracle happened last night was kind of funny, the timing of it and all. I have been telling Lacy and Slim there is a big opportunity here. I needed a new primary cat and guess what my wife put Lacy up between my knees last night and she laid down and went to sleep there. Then later she got down and I thought that was it. And amazingly she came back up, and spent at least 2 hours sleeping on top of my legs or more properly in a kitty nest between my knees. She even stayed with the dog on the bed. Now I'm thinking it was a Christmas miracle!

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