Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Of the many problems that I have with MS is trying to decide the cause of Symptoms. Lately I have been having a very hard time waking up in the morning and I also feel sleepy all day. Like yesterday after Matt left at 2 PM I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep. I'm not sure how long I slept but then at bedtime I couldn't fall asleep before 1am. Then this morning I had a very hard time waking up and ended up taking a morning nap. My wife goes to work around 6 AM so I wake up then and take some morning medications and supplements. I read for a while or listen to a sermon and fall back asleep. She comes around 9:30 AM to get me up so that is only about 7 hours sleep at night. I found a morning nap works better because I wake up for sure when Matt comes. I try to go to sleep by midnight. That seems to work out the best.
A year ago I didn't have this problem. Now I wonder is it MS progression, the time of year, medications or old age since I'm 60. It's probably a combination of some or all these. Trying to fix the problem so I sleep more at night seems be problematic. If I miss a morning nap then my afternoon naps are very long and start the cycle of going to sleep late and then getting up tired. Of course if I take a morning nap and I may not post on my blog depending on how quiet it is in the afternoon.
Of course   these are fairly minor symptoms and I know others who deal with worse things or the same things and I feel for them. If this were my only problem I would be  a happy camper. It just noticed this year it's hard to deal with and I always want to try to improve things or fix them. It's hard to just accept things and learn to live with them. The Bible teaches that we are to be content with what we have but it also teaches us to keep working. Sometimes is hard to find a balance.

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