Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Monday, August 13, 2018


Our air-conditioning quit working Saturday night. I slept terribly and Kept over heating not realizing it had quit. It's been pretty hot, in the 90s. One of my worst fears with MS came true. I dreaded going to bed thinking that I would be miserable all night like it was Saturday night.
I was so wrong. We had the windows open all night and the ceiling fan on high. Actually had the best night of sleep in weeks. I guess I learned something about fears. They're worse in your mind then they are when they happen. My biggest fear is being trapped in bed unable to get out by myself and need to get up for turnover on my side. I can only lay on my back that I'm totally dependent on other people get out of that position.
I have been afraid of pressure sores as long as I have been trapped in the bed or in the chair, unable to get out of either. I thought that spending about half a day in each would prevent them. Now I have one on my bottom. To go through getting it looked at will be so involved I'm not sure how to approach it. So far a time I need to get out of the chair for medical field they act like they have never seen someone in a wheelchair. My wife has to get off of work take me. It usually means more than one provider and appointments. They make a better seat but to get one I have to go through medical hoops to prove to insurance I need one. When I was working I would often just purchased what I need on my own. This saves dealing with the medical dance and insurance. Now that I'm now working I am stuck. Now I just do a my wife tells me and depend on her entirely. I don't know how she juggles work and taking care of me. God bless her.

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