Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

When the difference a day makes

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday trigeminal pain came back with a vengeance. Later in the day my bottom was very uncomfortable in my chair. That evening I found out that due to distraction my trigeminal medication did not make it into my pillowcase's. I pretty much went cold turkey for a day. Now I'm back on it and the pain went away. I went to high doses is up my vision is pretty screwing. Am doing is post by memory and open it turned out okay. I will be back on the normal dosage today. I have been wanting to go cold turkey because I am tired of medication. I used to pride myself until I was 50 that I was on almost no medication except for Tylenol.. Now I have this huge list. The doctor reported no everything from vitamins to probiotics. It's kind of silly. On Sunday evenings my wife fills my pillowcases. I don't know how she juggles everything. Just keeps getting more more things added. My son helped some. I which I could get her some consistent helped but can't think of anything. Loud people offer five file that volunteer help is not very consistent.
Last night I had a total meltdown mostly from trigeminal pain. It was in a spot heart every time I swallowed. I couldn't eat or drink without terrible pain. Turned me into a blubbering idiot. I don't know out she deals with it. I would be up a creek without a paddle without her. She keeps plugging away. I better sign off now I really can't see what I'm doing.

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