There are couple of updates. For some reason the phlegm decreased yesterday so I was able to sleep better. It does not go away entirely but decreases enough so that I can breathe over the top of it with my breather on and sleep better. I got three hours of solid sleep before I woke up in the middle of the night and read it until my wife got up for work. She gives me my morning pills and the one for neuralgia makes me sleepy and I slept solid until around the time she came to get me up. That I was a total of six hours which is a lot better than the four hours of interrupted sleep I had had last few nights. Today I'm not so grumpy. That's one update. Usually on Saturdays and Sundays I'm allowed to sleep at least till 11 and sometimes in the afternoon. I guess I catch up. That is one improvement.
The other is in the medication I take for the trigeminal pain in my jaw and mouth. I can tell the radiology treatment is advancing because the numbness is apparent around my face. So when I feel it in advance I tried dropping one of the pills for the pain. In the past I've gotten to inpatient and dropped it too fast so the pain came back. This week I dropped it down to four pills. I used to take 10 pills and all it did was dull the pain. I want to get off this medication because it affected by eyesight and also my neurologist was worried that it affected by electrolyte balance. The drug is called Tegretol and I take the generic called carbamazepine. Now I am down to four pills a day. Some days my eyesight is better in some days it is still out of whack. In a week or so I will drop down to three pills. I guess that's all for now of course I hope to keep posting. Pictures are not so easy anymore because I cannot take them is my hands do not work. My individual fingers do not work either which came as a surprise to me. Take care dear reader.
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