Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Not a very good week except for one of my sister in laws special treat

I promised a post about pets but I've had such a rough week I haven't been able to. Monday I had a fairly long post and when I was almost done my voice software went all wacky and ruined it. I was busy Tuesday one of my lovely sister-in-law's came over and me breakfast of a very nice cinnamon roll. Tuesday and today I eyesight has been so weird I have been able to do much. I tried closing my eyes for a while this morning and ended up falling asleep. It's a lot better now but still difficult the focus both eyes on the same thing. It makes it hard to read. Today I am very worn down and very tired of having MS and being a quadriplegic. Am tired inside it out.
I keep reading about people who are fighters and fight MS call themselves warriors. Good for them the MS is kicked my butt. I just want to go home with Jesus. I hope to have pet stories my next post. None of the three animals we have are very affectionate toward me. I thought Lacey the cat was going to be but Jordan chased her off the bed and she's never been back. Jordan is is 100% my wife's dog. I still have hope that over time one of them will grow to like mordan can be very sweet and has shown me affection a couple of times but nothing consistent.
Well I will sign off for now apologize that this is not a pets story. As my MS has progressed have more isolated. I knew what I quit driving could not get out on my own that this d due to probably happen over time. I really miss going to the coffee shop a attitude that nd trading factor with my coffee friends. Missed my work friends to but after four years it's hard to keep track. I wish I had a good attitude but is gone and I don't think I'm willing get back am not a warrior, a fighter against MS or a inspiration. If I could find a way to go home I would probably take it. Oh well I am in other people's hands now.
. I am not a warrior. I'm not a warrior I am not a warrior

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