Phil and Macy

Phil and Macy

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Minor health update

I hope to make this pretty short. I do tend to blather on when I start talking. I pressure sore has led me to spend much more time in bed is very little in my chair. Have found that less I spend in the chair the harder it is to get into it again. I think it is like riding a bike you have to get your butt used to the seat. It takes about an hour my rear to get used to the seat again. I find I spend from 2 to 6 hours in my chair but two to three is most common. I feel like a kind of a slug spending so much time in bed.
The other thing is my trigeminal pain. I'm trying to wean myself from medication and is been six months since the procedure with radiation. I finally got down to three doses a day. I went to weeks with no pain so I decided to go to three doses one day and two the next.. This works for a week and then started getting twinges. I tapped out that twinges and the next week the pain was pretty serious again. Now I'm back on four doses a day till the pain stops that I will go back down to three.
I'm convinced now at the medication definitely affects my vision. When I was down to three one day then to the next I vision was pretty good. Now it is out of focus and started to get both eyes looking at the same thing. I'm not sure if this is where I am stuck. Is another medication that neurologist that I can try. I was hoping to be off all of them and do got look forward to yet another doctor visit. I don't see the doctor who did the procedure till December. I am hoping and praying that I keep getting off of medication.

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